
 About Source Dexter

Source dexter stands for technology, technical topics, books, and science. These articles are what I have worked on or I have come across and I believe in sharing all of these with the rest of the world.

I am also on a mission to bring two of my passions ( Science and writing) together. Through this blog, I aim to publish posts that simplify some of the science topics and research work. These posts will benefit common people like us.  This blog would also shed light on the effects of technology on daily life and try to bring in some truth to the reality.

About Me

I love science, mysticism and I love reading books.

As a software developer, I work mostly on python and Java programming languages. I am a machine learning enthusiast and I have worked quite a bit in this field.  Computer vision,  Optical Character recognition, and Natural Langauge Processing.

Apart from my passion towards writing, I love listening to music ( Coldplay and Pink Floyd are my favourites), and I also like playing the acoustic guitar.


Contact Me

You can get in touch with me through my email:  [email protected]

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