Interesting commands on Linux :SET 1

Here are some fun commands you can try on your Linux system probably when you are bored or want to try something new and something different. I really liked these commands and hope that you will enjoy using it too.

  1. cowsay
    you can make an image of cow appear on the terminal and  show any text that you want , as if the cow was saying it –
    So install cowsay using one of the following command :
    sudo apt-get install cowsay                     (for Debian based OS)
    yum install cowsay                                   (for Red Hat based OS)
    here is how the uoyput will look:
    cowsay1If you want to have a coloured cow to show any text install xcowsay .  Install it same way as cowsay but replace cowsay with xcowsay.
    Run it and ul get a coloured cow some where on your screen.
  2. Steam Locomotive (sl)
    this command “sl” runs a train across your terminal. Its really cool!!
    So install it using one of the commands:
    sudo apt-get install sl                            (In Debian like OS)
    yum -y install sl                                    (In Red Hat like OS)
    run the command  “sl” in he terminal, you should see something like this:
  3. toilet
    This command itself is funny.. but what it does is takes a text string and builds the text in some different forms like using symbols some colours,etc
    To install use one of the command:
    sudo apt-get install toilet
    yum install

    run the commands as :
    toilet seeTheSource
    toilet3or run the command: toilet -f mono12 -F metal seeTheSource
  4. telnet
    telnet is a network protocol and it causes stories to be run like some kind of animations. Nothing has to be installed here, all you need is a working internet condition.use the command:
  5. cmatrix
    this command is used to create the matrix effect on a terminal.install it using the suitable command:

    sudo apt-get install cmatrix
    yum install cmatrix
  6. espeak
    this command is used for text to speech. So you can configure it to be a welcome sound when your OS loads. Or use it to read text just like that.
    install espeak using one of:

     sudo apt-get install espeak 
     yum install espeakthen run it as: espeak "this is see the source" 
     or any other text you want. And have fun.

So all these commands are really fun to use, there are lots more available.. I will post about more useful commands in the coming posts!!

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