Impress.js : presentations in a better way!!

Whether its microsoft powerpoint you use or libre impress, giving presentations are the same. But what if there was a whole new way to do it?
Now , some of you might have heard about  or used  PREZI. Its awesome.. but again being a proprietary software, it allows you to have only  3 PREZIs  ,for free of cost.
To me, that’s not enough. I wanted something similar but with no limits or restriction.


That is when the “power” of open source and free software was shown to me, AGAIN. It was “impress.js“,  an amazing tool to build and create slides and give presentations also  in 3D.
A feature that’s not found in PREZI. All that matters while using impress.js is your imagination and creativity..
Its completely built on the power of CSS3 and HTML and runs on Browsers like Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

Here is what I am talking about IMPRESS.JS demo. (use “spacebar” to change slides)


Running on the Browser, this gives you full freedom to edit and customize. It gives few amazing transformations and transitions and for people with good HTML skills, its a breeze to create  presentations that are outstanding.
The entire source code is availabe on github . Click here for the source code.

According to the author/creator of impress.js its only the people with good technical knowledge in HTML ,who are capable of creating amazing presentations in it. But that myth is now broken with the release of a GUI called STRUT beta for Creating presentations on impress.js . So those who don’t have a good knowledge about HTML can use STRUT  and create amazing slides and give a presentation like never before.

here is a video tutorial for using strut for presentation creation…

A little search on github can reveal more than 100 projects and transition effects created using impress.js and available for anyone to take it right into their presentation.

With an amazing open source community, we can expect this project to be even more better and be recognised among people from all fields. Lets all try and contribute to this amazing software and make it a  tool that changes the way how imagination can be implemented.

Do try it out… its easy to use and you can have lots of fun experimenting in 3D.

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