Free Udemy Machine Learning Courses in R, Python and Matlab – October 2018

free machine learning courses

Machine Learning has been one of the most sought-after concepts by developers to learn in 2018.

This article is about the best free machine learning courses.

AI and machine learning in specific are evolving at a rapid pace. The industry experiences state of the art algorithms performing tasks as good as humans.

Finding the right course is extremely important and with my expertise in machine learning, I have narrowed down a few online courses for you to grab. Please remember that some of these courses are free for a limited time and a limited number of people. I would suggest you enroll in them only if you feel that the course is what you want to learn.

All of these free machine learning courses are from Udemy, a platform for researchers, professions to become instructors and teach concepts in their areas of expertise.

Each course here has a small description to help you decide if you want to learn this or not. Let’s Begin.

Beginner Courses

  1. Learn Python from Scratch –  This course is for beginners who do not have experience coding with python.
  2. Numpy Stack in Python – Numpy is a python library that helps you with vector/ matrix mathematical operations.
  3. Machine Learning Introduction – Scikit Learn is a machine learning library that allows you to perform tasks quickly and validate your ideas.
  4. Introduction to Data Science -Data Science is broader than machine learning. This course focuses on giving a presentation to data science terminologies and various concepts.

Free Machine Learning Courses for Intermediates

  1. Regression with R Programming Language -R programming language is used by researchers to validate mathematical models. If you are familiar with R, then this is an excellent course to learn about Regression.
  2. Machine learning with Matlab – if you have worked with Matlab, and if you have a fair understanding of machine learning, this course will teach you about neural networks.
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning – Deep Learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on the use of neural networks to teach a machine to perform various tasks. However, a basic understanding of machine learning is required before you can take up this course.

Advanced courses

Assuming that you understand the basics of machine learning and deep learning, you can look at advanced courses. However, there is a disclaimer. Finding free machine learning courses for advanced developers is very difficult. Therefore, I recommend you to browse through Udemy to find the course you like and select them.

Here are some advanced free machine learning courses:

  1. Advanced ML and Data Analysis – This is a boot camp course that dives into multiple deep learning projects.
  2. Neural Network Programming in Matlab – This course is recommended to people who are well-versed with Matlab

If you like me to list more free courses, let me know in the comments below!

This concludes the list of the free ai and machine learning courses. Do you have any other courses in mind?  Let me know in the comments below!

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